Reigniting the pioneering spirit!


Tailor made solutions, efficient by nature, simple by design

Expertise & Services

business planning

In increasingly complex and competitive environment, everyone knows that having a solid and original plan has never been more critical. The best idea in the world will not yield any result if it is not translated into a clear roadmap anticipating sharp turns, pitfalls and dead-ends. But business plans tend to be considered mere objects rather than what they really are: live organisms that need to be fed and often reprogrammed. The opportunities for growth multiply with ever changing consumer trends, varying revenue streams and distribution channels, but so do competitors which increases the complexity of planning exponentially. Constant renewal is a must.

That's where we come in.

customer service


In today's high paced and ultra-competitive markets, having a good quality product at the right price is no longer enough to ensure success and growth. From conception to delivery, the very best offer can be undermined and ultimately ruined by a weak customer service. Attending the needs of the customers who have chosen to trust you is critical and can even become your best competitive advantage. Finding the right balance for your customer service investment is a treacherous task. We are here to help you design solid processes and execute them with agility.

Veterans of the most difficult industries with years of experience in handling the most demanding customers, out Customer Service specialists are here to take you to the next level.

business development


The market consumes products and services in an uninterrupted but constantly changing flux. Businesses must adapt quickly, create new business models through organic and external developments to keep ahead of competition. This is especially challenging as running the business on a day to day basis consumes most of the ressources. Business development requires time, strategic structuring and in many ways, intuition.

HSE Projects strives to anticipate the changes, identify the opportunities and create new perspectives so you can focus on making sure that your operations run at full capacity and your company grows on solid foundations.

team building


At HSE Projects, team work is one of our core values. WE hold it for the most powerful and renewable energy available on planet earth. However building a strong team, cohesive, cool under pressure, united in all circumstances, displaying a collective strength superior to the sum of their individuals and most of all motivated is a quasi work of art. The mysterious alchemy that is at play in every team is at the very heart of some of the most extraordinary successes and failures in business. Demystifying the magic of team building and turning it into a science requires patience, a deep understanding of human nature, finesse and constant empathy, all of which are embedded in HSE's DNA.

Building a high performance team is a requirement to you. It is a passion to us.

Business strategy


The marketplace will always be a new and fierce frontier. Even armed with a good concept, a sound management and a healthy cashflow, it is easy to engage on a dead-end path or become immobile. Movement is at the core of strategic planning. We provide a holistic approach of your industry with a fresh view of your business model that enable us to carve new pathways of development and growth you can monetize.

We dare say, business strategy is an artistic craft that requires a scientific approach and an external vision to generate a perspective. Our firm provides that ventage point and is the perfect partner for you to elaborate a winning strategy.

leadership coaching


The importance of good leadership needs no additional emphasis. From the creation of a vision, to its implementation, leaders must have the ability to federate their teams by inspiring, convincing and motivating them. Meanwhile they must read the market, anticipate their competition's every move and handle an endless stream of complex issues. That's where things get difficult, as it leaves little time for leaders to self-monitor and work on their game. As Google CEO Eric Schmidt says "people are not good at seeing themselves. Everybody needs a coach"

From the unique stand point of business consulting and project management, with years of experience in and countless meetings with leaders of all walks of life, our specialists will provide your company's managers a fresh angle at self-assessment and accelerate their growth.